Bengal to celebrate the power of 90 million!

As we step into the New Year we vow to make changes in order to better ourselves and our lives. Whether it’s losing weight, quitting bad habits, making time for a hobby or even taking on more responsibility at work, there are a slew of reasons why we come to the conclusion that we should implement these goals. Eventually, though, some of these changes are too drastic or difficult — or even scary sometimes — and they end up falling through or fading out.
The New Year brings change, which isn’t always easy, and sometimes it can be hard to get motivated to embrace something new and different. Doing things “the way they’ve always been done” feels so much more simple and comfortable in many cases. Change can be good for us though, and sometimes even necessary.
The political narrative of Bengal has gone through a sea change during the last couple of years. The power of the 90 million is expected to take a significant role in shaping the next five years or maybe less of our national political identity. The war is on in various ways and at various levels.
With P&M Communications and its activities spread across digital media, entertainment, information technology, audio- visual communication and more, our journey through 2018 has been that of enrichment, inspiration and revelation. Bengal has never ceased to surprise us with its myriad hues- tradition, culture, cuisine, travel destinations and above all the extraordinary people who have been a source of inspiration. We have been talking about all this sustainably and extensively on our getBengal and Bongodorshon platforms. The talking comes from our belief about the positive essence of Bengal amidst all that is happening around us. We have never lost focus on our conviction and do not wish to.
Our perspective seems to have yielded results. We have raised our own bar. From 2019, we have taken more responsibility to spread the word around that Bengal is not just a term to define a geographic boundary or a physical state-it’s more of emotion and passion. People and organizations have expressed their faith on us to talk on Bengal, now officially, which we have been relentlessly doing for decades on our own.
“Being in the present moment” with so much of activity, we are changing our schedule too. A robust e-commerce initiative, The Bengal Store, is taking shape to be activated early this year. The visual documentation team is being re-structured, stories on positive Bengal seems to be unending and it will probably take more than a lifetime to talk on all of them! Several new faces are scheduled to join to take forward our dreams. In all we see us celebrating Bengal like never before.
We have an extraordinary group of people who have been putting in their heart and soul into implementing our dreams. In spite of their families, their own ‘things to do’, they have been handling all with grace and I am personally grateful to each of them.
This year taught us to table the worry and leaving the stress for later. Most often we have realized that when the ‘later’ rolled around, the issue was not quite as pressing as we imaged it to be.
So it’s time once again to look into the overwhelming ‘to- do list’ for the coming year, pour some coffee and enjoy sitting with the team, planning yet one more year of celebrating the positive essence of Bengal.
Be positive and have a wonderful New Year.