GOOD NEWS! Kazakhstan looks for $5 Billion trade target with Bengal

Kazakhstan’s business giants are eyeing Bengal to shore up their economy. But how? Kazakhstan is the world’s largest land-locked country that rakes in around 60% of Central Asia’s GDP. Industrialists out there have mooted a plan to make Kolkata as one of their trading hubs as Bengal has several opportunities to offer in sectors like agriculture, tourism, mining and steel. They believe these are booming sectors where investment can flow in Bengal.
Accordingly, Yerlan Alimbayev who was appointed as the Ambassador of Kazakhstan a few months ago, has come down to Kolkata to explore business opportunities and rope in investors from the state as part of their bilateral relation with Indians in trade and commerce. He has already reached out to the Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce in Kolkata with the proposals. In a media interview the ambassador has said: “There are ample opportunities in Bengal that we are keen to explore. As per our plan, Kolkata has the potential to serve as our main trading centre in India via China. The business will thrive through Kolkata port.”