IIT Kharagpur’s incredible invention! Blood tests with your Smartphone

You probably need to conduct routine blood tests from a laboratory regularly to check your sugar levels, haemoglobin and other important parameters of blood. And every time you need reports, you have to either go to the laboratory to give your blood or ask someone for a home visit. But thanks to a team of scientists from the Mechanical Engineering department of IIT Kharagpur, a special device and kit has been invented wherein you can do your own blood tests with the help of your Smartphone!
Surprised? Well, do not be so. You got it right, you will get the reports also on your smartphone. Professor Suman Chakraborty of IIT Kharagpur led the team of scientists who have been working relentlessly for past few years. The device has a paper strip kit, that has tools which you use to prick your finger to take out blood. You also need a smartphone and LED light along with it for the test to complete.
What is best is the whole kit has been used in various weather conditions outside a laboratory and every time it has given correct results despite the humidity, heat and dust outside. Once it comes in the market, the scientists are hopeful that it will help a large chunk of the public do their routine blood tests themselves at home.