Jute Durga Idol with a difference – made by orphans of Nimtouri Orphanage

As Kolkata clubs are competing with each other to display their big budget theme puja pandals, a bunch of young orphans of Nimtouri are trying to pull up their own Puja with a difference. Where emotions flow, where sincerity reigns and where the artistic creativity of children who have faced terrible hardships in life get reflected. Agog with excitement and warming up for the much-awaited Durga Puja to be celebrated within their home complex, the children have already started constructing their own ‘Pujo.’
Nimtouri Tamluk Unnayan Samity (Nimtouri Tamluk Development Society) is a safe haven for children who have been orphaned or have lost their way home and cannot recollect anything about their past or elderly ladies with amnestic syndrome. They are rescued and provided shelter in the home run by the Samity. This year, the management decided to involve the residents of the home and members of the staff to organize Durga Puja within the campus. Super Sanchita Giri said: “Previously, the residents of the home would be escorted to visit different puja pandals but the fragmented experience left them yearn for more. They were not really involved in the puja and felt left out. Last year, the Covid pandemic made things worse. The children had to remain cooped up at home.” As a last resort, the home administration decided to launch Durga Puja within the complex of the home. There was not much time left to plan and execute everything in an elaborate manner. However, the enthusiasm of the participants made up for the insufficiencies.
The children are doing everything themselves including the construction of the temporary decorative pavilion where the idols will be placed and worshipped during the four days to sculpting the idols. This year, the puja theme of Nimtouri Tamluk Unnayan Samity is ‘Sal-Mohule Shajai Moder Matriangan’ (We decorate our Mother’s abode with Sal aka cannonball tree and Mahua tree aka butternut tree). The puja organizers of the home have planned to decorate the kiosk with leaves and flowers of the two trees. To complement the theme, residents of the Home are making Jute idols of Goddess Durga and her children. The students along with their teachers have worked tirelessly to process the jute fibre, colour it and are now engrossed in shaping the idols of Goddess Durga and her celestial consorts in the traditional form.
Meanwhile, plans have been finalized to host a four-day cultural programme during the Pujas. The residents of the Home will be presenting a medley of dance, music and a dance-drama, ‘Mahishasur-Mardini’ based on Goddess Durga’s annihilation of Mahishasur. All members of Nimtouri Home are working diligently to present a spectacular show for the audience during the Pujas. And the orphans are loving to live in a community and work together.