Mother names newborn ‘Andolan’ respecting junior doctors

There are many who have a wrong perception that none of the doctors, junior and senior are working in any of the government hospitals, as a result of which people are dying, pregnant mothers are returning home without delivering children! However, the scene is completely different. Infact delivery of children has happened in several state-run hospitals during the tenure of the strike. One such baby boy was born at Midnapore Medical College with the help of junior doctors who provided every help to the mother in labour.
As a respect to the doctors, the mother of the baby decided to name him ‘Andolan.’ Though the junior doctors of Midnapore Medical College had joined the strike from 10th June in solidarity with their colleagues of NRS, they extended all help to Rupali Bhuiya of Keshpur who had come to the hospital in full labour. She had complications and hence underwent a caesarean operation. Thus, was born healthy and happy baby Andolan. Both parents have thanked the doctors for their help and have paid their tribute by naming their son Andolan.