Pujo Special Momo from Haringhata!

Durga Puja is not just about festival and festivities, it is also about Pet Pujo, better to say gastronomical delights. Bengalis never miss the food fun of Puja. And keeping this in mind, Haringhata plans to reach out to your homes hot piping momos. Haringhata is on a come back route for quite a number of years now, thanks to the revival strategy of the state government.
This pujo they will not just supply processed meat to cook at home, but also vegetarian and non-vegetarian momos. Special Chicken Tandoor and Chicken Classic momos have been added to the list. There are also Palak and Sweet Corn momos. The dishes will be home delivered and are also very cheap for your pockets, prices range between Rs 90-100. There are around 252 Haringhata outlets in Bengal and they have geared up this year to serve your taste.