Subhomoy Biswas of Nadia invents a solar bike

We are well-acquainted with solar powered bus, auto, and trains. But ever heard of a solar powered motorbike? Subhomoy Biswas of Nadia has come up with this unique concept of solar powered motorbike which has every amusing feature one could ever ask for. The best part is, this bike is environment friendly and can be charged overnight. It also has great speed.
Biswas is a teacher by profession and teaches in a primary school. But he is passionate about scientific discoveries and keeps on researching when free. He also loved riding bikes and wanted to create a solar bike. But this is not his first discovery. He had previously created a special kind of helmet to emphasize on the importance of ‘Safe Drive Save Life’ campaign of the Kolkata Police. Interestingly, this solar bike does not start until the rider puts on the helmet. He spent eight months and Rs 18,000 to give life to his creation. He calls his beloved bike as ‘Sun Power Motorbike.’ The bike will help to reduce pollution by 60 percent. One can save a lot of fuel and money also. The speed of the bike will be around 50-60 kilometers per hour. After getting its battery charged from the rays of the sun, the bike will be able to run 60 to 70 kilometers at a stretch. This bike is also equipped with a gear system.
Subhomoy’s discovery has received accolades in the West Bengal Science Fair. The solar bike might soon come into operation once it receives approval from the government.