Bangladesh names road after famous neurosurgeon Dr Robin Sengupta

Dr Robin Sengupta, the torchbearer of the world-class Institute of Neurosciences in Kolkata is one of the top 10 neurosurgeons of the world. After his stint with major hospitals of the world, he has returned to his roots, to Bengal to share his expertise and serve the patients of his motherland. He established I-NK in Kolkata that is a one stop destination for critical neurology cases and operations. He now dreams to set up University of Neurosciences in Kalyani.
Recently, he returned to his roots in Chittagong of Bangladesh, where he was born. Chittagong has not forgotten him. Several institutes and organisations of Chittagong felicitated Dr Sengupta and the authorities have even named a road after him.
Dr Sengupta came to Kolkata as a refugee in 1955 from Chittagong with a dream to become a doctor. By his sheer determination and intelligence he had completed his medical studies and left in 1961 for England to complete his higher education. Even in a foreign land, he excelled and by 1971 he became a renowned name in the whole of Europe. But his heart lay in Bengal where he wanted to establish a world facility for Neuroscience. Dr Sengupta started from very humble background, at times selling bananas on the streets to pay his school fees. In 1985, wife of Indian President had a rare neurological disease that needed a critical brain operation. The president’s doctor had advised him to take her to UK based Dr Robin Sengupta, as he told him that no other doctor in the world would be able to do this operation. Only Dr Sengupta can. The operation was not only successful; the patient also got cured after the difficult post-operative treatment.
Dr Sengupta keeps returning to his roots in Kolkata where he often oversees the functioning at Institute of Neurosciences. And now he even went back to his birthplace Chittagong, that accepted him with open arms.