Folk singers of rural Bengal spreading COVID-19 awareness through songs

For the rural community of Bengal, who are primarily less affected by COVID-19, awareness building programme against this deadly virus for future spike is the necessity of the hour. Keeping this in mind the rural folk singers of Bengal, instead of keeping themselves homebound, are out on the village roads spreading awareness about the disease and do’s and don’ts through their songs.
Scripted and set to tune as per baul and jhumur rhythms, the songs are attractive and catching the attention of rural folks to a large extent, specially in Bankura and Birbhum. Such awareness building in remote villages, where television and other forms of electronic media are quite impossible to carry messages, is indeed necessary. Instead of depending on rumours that spread more panic than the truth, the bauls and Jhumur singers are going out early morning with a mic in their hand and touring villages with their Corona songs. A wonderful way to spread awareness.