Make Solitude Go Viral

Jiban Biswas is an artist by profession. He had been a student of Government College of Art and Craft, Kolkata.
The project- #Goviraltostopthevirus is a thoughtful initiative to make people look at the shape of the virus in a constructive way and spread the message of positivity rather than feel threatened by its shape.
Also read : Make Kolkata Go Viral
The artist has observed that his childhood, his hometown and his pristine surroundings are being destroyed as the world moves on towards a false sense of development. He uses the bull as an icon in his art, an animal of instinct, set in contrasting urban situations, to bring out the meta-morphosis of modern life. The art of Jiban Biswas has been appreciated and curated across the globe. In this poster, the shape of the virus has been creatively reflection through the pattern on the cloth on the bull's back, as well as the gramophone's outlet.