Salute to the Piano Teacher who makes wheelchairs for stray dogs!

Teaching is not just about teaching what is written in text-books. It is also about teaching compassion. And that’s what a music teacher of Shyamnagar is teaching the society and also his students. In an age when we read horrific details of people killing puppies, of unkind individuals torturing stray dogs and cats, killing them with acids just for fun, here is a piano teacher who gave a new lease of life to a little pup.
Six-month old street dog Taimur had lost two of his legs after a train passed over him. The vet did not give any hope for the dog walking again. But there was one individual who simply refused to give up. He offered the best possible treatment to save the life of the pup and help it to walk again. Now Taimur walks again with the help of a two-tier walker.
The Barrackpore veterinary hospital performed a surgery on his legs. The rescuers informed Prasenjit Goswami, a resident of Shyamnagar, who for last 35 years have been treating and curing street animals and birds. He is a piano teacher by profession. For Goswami, saving the life of severely injured Taimur was almost like a challenge. Barrackpore Hospital had made some quick stitches and released Taimur. Certain areas of the bone of his feet were visible. The possibilities of formation of gangrene could not be ignored. Taimur’s life was at stake. Despite many risks, Prasenjit took up the challenge and saved the life of the pup.
Two months after a thorough treatment, Taimur recovered, but was unable to walk. Goswami wanted Taimur to lead a normal life. He started doing a thorough research on the internet and ended up making a framework of walking trolleys for dogs. Goswami took a thorough measurement of Taimur’s weight and structure and made a walking trolley for him. Taimur is now happily moving about with the help of his new found gift. Goswami’s effort to save his life has again restored our faith in humanity and has received accolades all over. He is a true inspiration! He is a teacher!