Old Tallah Bridge to be replaced by high resistant Bowstring Girder Bridge

If all goes as per plans the State Public Works Department (PWD) will build the new Tallah Bridge that will be in the shape of a Bowstring Bridge. The bridge will be a 4-lane bridge though the old bridge had just 3 lanes. The design is being routed through Research and Standards Organisation, an apex body for standardization of railway projects. The estimated cost will be around 200 crore.
A Bowstring Girder Bridge is very different from a Cable-stayed bridge like the 2nd Hooghly Bridge. This kind of a bridge has an arch rib on each side of the roadway (deck) and one tie beam on each arc that supports the deck, Tips of the arch of this bridge are tied together by a bottom chord. It is cheaper to build than a cable-stayed bridge.
This kind of bridge gets stronger over time, provides high resistance, have limited span. Though they are cheaper, they need a rigorous maintenance for sure. Each flank of this new bridge will have a load bearing capacity of 250 tonnes.